When you purchase motorized window treatments for your home, you will be treated to incredible comfort and convenience. Your new motorized blinds will be able to open and close with a simple push of a button. Whether you purchase new Venetian blinds or another type of window treatment, it is important to make sure that your new blinds or shades are properly installed over your window. A company offering window treatments near Chicago can assist you with every step of selecting and installing your brand new automatic blinds. Here are a few handy tips for hanging new blinds in your home.
Choose the Proper Hanging Location
The first step of hanging your new blinds is to choose the proper hanging location for your window treatments. Using a tape measure, you can mark evenly located spots on either side of the interior of your window frame. You will want to make sure that your blinds are installed in a location that allows the blinds to fully cover your window when they are let down.
Create Screw Holes
The next step of hanging your blinds is to drill screw holes in the locations that you have marked. These holes will provide you with a guide, allowing you to visualize exactly where your blinds will hang. In addition, pre-drilling your holes is a good way to save effort during the placement process. When you are drilling, be sure to use a bit that is slightly smaller than your screws.
Install the Support Brackets
The support brackets are designed to keep the headrail of the blinds in place over your window. Once your screw holes have been drilled, you will be ready to install the support brackets. After you have placed the brackets directly over the holes, you can install them by carefully screwing them in place. After this step, all you will need to do is slide on the headrail and blinds.